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Power of Saibaba
Sai Baba
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Tips to touch the Baba's samadhi in shirdi
Here is the tips to touch the baba's samadhi and worship him full-pledged heart to become his true devotee. while enters into the ...
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OM SAI RAM Shirdi Sai Baba was an Indian guru, yogi and fakir who is...
The powerful nine Thursdays vrat(fasting) to saibaba
1. This vrat can be observed by anyone (men, women and kids). 2. This vrat can be observed by person of any caste and religion. ...
The Power of Udi(Holy ash)
From the earliest days, Baba would give udi - holy ash from the dhuni - to his visitors. The healing power of Baba...
A tiger, a hunter, a bear and a fear
Once in a forest, a hunter, on being chased by a tiger, felt tired and climbed up a tree. There was a bear sitting on the top...